AI and Journalism: Automation, Data-Driven Storytelling, and Newsroom

This research investigates how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping journalism, especially automation, data-driven storytelling, and newsroom workflows. It explores how AI technologies are changing the processes of news production, distribution, and consumption, by understanding it through current applications and future potentials. While AI offers a lot of potential such as efficiency and management of large datasets, the same report points out the challenges, mainly the ethical issues and the demand for human input. To this end, the paper employs emic-case study techniques and qualitative surveys to synthesise key findings regarding AI’s current and emerging uses, recommended practices, and factors to weigh when integrating the technology to support and enhance the profession of journalism. In that sense, this study is principally designed to become part of the current debates and practices regarding media innovation and the paradigms of news during the emergence of AI and allied technologies


  • Amol Deepakrao Dhule

    Research Scholar,
    Department of Mass Communication, RTMN University, Nagpur, India.


  • Dr. Suhas Durgadas Pathak

    School of Media Studies, SRTM University, Nanded, India.
