About GCRA

We work towards a brighter future for the underrepresented communication scholars in the global south. Throughout the world, large numbers of communication scholars and practitioners are underrepresented in the international communication scholarship forums due to limitations like geographical location, national security, ethnicity, economics, and language.

The Global Communication Research Association (GCRA) seeks to provide a forum for the underrepresented scholars and practitioners to be a part of the global communication community scholars. This will provide them with a platform to express their research interests and put forward the issues and problems faced by their countries. The GCRA was founded on 26 September 2001 at a meeting in Sydney, Australia.

The association of communication scholars will be low-cost conferences at physical locations and virtual settings. The association will also undertake research projects. The association will be characterized by inclusivity and focus on concerns of underrepresented scholars and practitioners in the different fields of communication.

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GCRA's Vision & Mission

Our Vision

Be a forum and an organization pursuing media, communication, publication, and technological and virtual inclusion, particularly reaching out to underrepresented areas of all five continents.

Our Mission

Carry out actions regarding communication, media research, diffusion of knowledge, and innovation within an inclusive framework of the population. To prioritize fields that are less advantaged in the aspects of geography and professional contexts.

GCRA Conferences

International Online Conference

Date: November 15 and 16, 2024

The theme of the conference is “Artificial Intelligence in the Global South: Transformations, Innovations, and Challenges in Communication”.

Who Should Attend?

TThe conference is open to researchers, practitioners, policymakers, industry experts, and other stakeholders interested in AI in the Global South. We particularly encourage participation from Global South countries as well as underrepresented communities in the AI sector.

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International Online Conference

International Online Conference on the theme 'Communication Research Trends in Time of the Pandemic: Implications for Theory Building and Policy Research' is being planned for 2022.

Call of Papers

The organizing committee of the Global Communication Research Organization (GCRA) is calling for abstract submissions. To present your research at the conference, your abstract must first pass through peer review and registration fees shall be paid.

Covid-19 has affected the entire world, and we have all suffered together. But the experience of the pandemic has been different across the world. The pandemic has made us rethink our relationship with ourselves as well as the world around us. Communication has taken new turns during this pandemic phase, and so has communication research. These need to be studied and documented, and in view of this, GCRA is organizing an online conference to highlight and capture the trends and changes in communication research ushered in by the global pandemic scenario.

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